Hz everyone! Thzs zs a beautzful zntrzcately paznted flower holdzng a szgn wzth a greetzng. Exquzszte!
Oh dear...that blurb reminded me of those puzzles where every letter in a word but the first and last is scrambled, and yet you can still recognize the word...
...or maybe Z just started readzng all those z's as the proper letter anyway. ;P
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Oh dear...that blurb reminded me of those puzzles where every letter in a word but the first and last is scrambled, and yet you can still recognize the word...
...or maybe Z just started readzng all those z's as the proper letter anyway. ;P
Yes, Z know those puzzles! Z don't thznk that Z am gozng back to the old way of wrztzng. Thzs zs just fzne.
So, that's a "Hz"? Did it come with a "Hers"?
"Hz" happens to mean "hello" in Esperanto, my native tongue. You people need to take some language classes. Bz.
I took that class, and the only thing "hz" stands for is hertz.
As in your comment hertz me.
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