Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day! Here's hoping you get a tie as ugly as this one (so I can put it on my blog). Yes, I am still selfish, even on Father's Day (except I'm really not, as my husband is out running a road race right now while I am home with the 6 kids). Go Hon! Hope you don't trip and fall so you have to come home early to help me. I had better go and put this rut maker away before he gets home...


Pink said...

That's not *that* bad. Just looks a few decades out of date. Seriously, there are much more tacky ties out there. :P

Kell said...

Oh yeah? How about you put your camera where your mouth is and send in a hideous tie?? Challenge!

Hyena Overlord said...

Ahh ye olde school tie...first class ugliness. There should be a blog for ugly ties, dresses etc., huh huh c'mon bloggers.