Friday, May 1, 2009

Pass the Pledge

My cousin received this revolting cat doll for her birthday. Nothing says love like a cat with a bean bag body wearing a tutu in its armpits complete with shriveled up arms and legs. Maybe this thing could double as a duster for that shelf.


Sarah said...


that is all i really have to say---mostly because there aren't words enough to describe what im looking at....


Pink said...

Why? Just...why?

Why do people even make crap like this?

Hyena Overlord said...

wft is right. It's both creepy and pathetic. I still believe stuffed toys come to life at night. This one would have to drap itself along the floor with it's chin. *shudder* I couldn't sleep with something like this in my house.

word again.

Kai said...

Oh. Oh my goodness. That is frightening. On the plus side, I've now discovered I can open my mouth wide enough to emit squeaks of mortal terror. (I've just had oral surgery, y'see.)

Word verification: sanine. A dog who isn't crazy? (Unlike this cat?)

Anonymous said...

Good thing cats have nine lives. TIme to move on to the next one.

Kell said...

Hyena- LOL! I can picture the cat dragging itself along.
Maya- Sanine!!! Bwa ha ha!!!

Anonymous said...

so kitschy I just threw up in my mouth a little. I don't get the flat limbs, either. Unless this is one of Earl the Dead cat's relatives. (my brother had one of those dolls, lol)